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Frequently Asked Questions

Helping highly sensitive creatives shed the weight of the past,
make peace with the present and celebrate the creation of the future.

Los Angeles Santa Clarita Valencia CA  psychedelic trauma therapist

How To Get Started

4. Complete online paperwork

5. Have your first therapy session!

1. Fill out a quick questionnaire to determine a good fit

2. Schedule your free discovery call 

3. Get your questions answered & get a sense of working together

28005 Smyth Dr

Valencia, CA 91355


(626) 822-9063


Rooted in Flow

Amelia Hall, LMFT, of Rooted in Flow Therapy, is a Los Angeles Somatic Trauma Therapist and helps creative, highly sensitive  adults, especially those in their 20s and 30s, embody their full-spectrum selves through processing the impact of complex and intergenerational trauma on the mind, body and spirit;   accessing creativity, purpose, and spirituality, and establishing deeply nurturing  relationships with Self and others,  Amelia Hall, LMFT is a mindfulness-based EMDR, Expressive Arts Therapy and Ketamine-Assisted Therapy-trained clinician seeing clients in-person in the neighborhood of Valencia, California in Santa Clarita, and virtually throughout California. Schedule a free consultation here ♡

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